Author: Bethany C. Morrow
Description: A Song Below Water is a grounded fantasy novel set in the Pacific Northwest city of Portland. The book follows two Black teenage girls, one who is a siren and the other who is an unknown magical being. Forced to keep her siren identity secret due to the stigma placed on Black women sirens, one protagonist uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate when her voice feels like too much. The other main character, who is discovering her magical connection, uses ASL to communicate when performing as an underwater mermaid in the local renaissance fairs. This book also deals with the ivtersectionalities of race and womanhood.
Includes: #africanamerican #black #femaleprotagonist #sayhername #sirens #americansignlanguage #ASL #fantasy #magic #alternativeworlds #youngadultliterature
Citation: Morrow, B.C. (2020). A Song Below Water. Tor Teen.
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